Friday, March 18, 2011

iSSH - SSH / VNC Console

SSH and Telnet emulator of VT100, VT102, VT220, ANSI, xterm, and xterm-color terminals integrated with a tunneled VNC client and an X server।

• Multitasking support - can hold connections open for up to 10 minutes
• Arbitrary port tunneling through SSH
• Tunneled VNC client (or unencrypted using a "raw" connection)
• Tunneled X server
• SSH, telnet and VNC all work via EDGE, WiFi and 3G
• Support for any non-standard ssh or vnc port
• Multiple simultaneous connections
• iPhone 3.0 cut and paste (double tap in console)
• Nearly every encoding supported
• Reachability notification
• Features a VGA BBS ANSI compatible font
• Portrait and landscape mode
• 53x24 or 80x24 (user configurable on iPad) with scroll-back buffer
• Arrow keys (by pop-up or by toolbar). Ctrl, alt, esc, tab, shift, Fn keys (1-10), ` key, all in combination.
• Keys are highlighted to confirm combination.
• Store any number of connections and configurations
• Command execution on connection
• Transparent keyboard (iPad users can configure text to remain above keyboard by setting that option in Configure Terminal Display and using a solid keyboard)
• Four (six on iPad) selectable monospaced fonts
• RSA and DSA key generation and exchange via email, password-connected SSH or pasteboard
• Can support "uninterrupted" connections via GNU Screen and the command option.
• Transfers public keys automatically, without needing to email first.
• Optional DWM window manager for X server
• ssh-agent support
• Agent forwarding
• Pinch zooming in VNC/X11
• Bluetooth keyboard support through option key mapping in either X11/VNC server or terminal. When enabled, an Option+key press maps to equivalent Ctrl+key press.

iSSH is effectively several clients in one, containing functionality for ssh/telnet/raw connections, an X11 server and VNC tunneling. iSSH supports multiple, simultaneous connections with more complete terminal compatibility, more configurable macro and key options and a more intuitive UI than any other other SSH client in the App Store.
What's new in Version 4.5.1
• Resolved random crash with 4.x iOS
• Improved memory usage and speed with the X server now disabled by default with an option to enable it on the fly

New in version 4.5
• Added Bluetooth/dock keyboard support in the form of arrow keys, tab and a remapped option key.
• Improved wide character encodings/fonts support
• Added Connection list import and export
• Implemented transparent cursor

This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad.

Category: Business
Dec 02, 2010
Version: 4.5.1
12.9 MB
Seller: Dean Beeler

© Zinger-Soft


REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad। Requires iOS 3.0 or later

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