Sunday, March 20, 2011


Stream television and videos to your iOS Device.

iTVPlay requieres a tdt tuner hardware and software to be configured on your computer to act as a television server for your device. Please visit before buy. Read requirements and support pages for configuration procedures or contact

New on 1.20 version:

Universal version iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch.
AirPlay compatible.
Update UI for better colors than previous version.
Registered servers. Easy configuration approach.

TVPlayServer + TranscodeServer to stream videos and DTT livetv.
TranscodeServer to stream videos.

Visit support web site before buy this application for a complete list of TVPlayServer and TranscodeServer requirements.

TVPlayServer and TranscodeServer are both free. OSX and Windows version available.

There are not public server for iTVPlay. TranscodeServer and TVPlayServer are both for use on your own computers. A DTT card or USB stick is required to view DTT channels. Please read requirements on support web.
What's new in Version 1.20
Update UI for better colors than previous version.
Universal version iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.
AirPlay compatible.
Include "registered servers". The servers installed and configured with the same email and password than the configured on the iPhone are listed. Servers use Bonjour and NAT-PMP or UPnP for configure routers and publish external इप

This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad.

Category: Entertainment
Nov 22, 2010
Version: 1.20
0.9 MB
Seller: Gustavo Adolfo Sanchez Zaal

Gustavo Adolfo Sanchez Zaal © 2009-2010


REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad। Requires iOS 4.2 or later.

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